Jesse Jagtiani ARTIST ​
Product Manager & Art Director, Embodied Philosophy,
Video & Photography Studio Art Instructor
Spiritual Art Workshop Teacher
Co-founder, Rundblick Media Production, Berlin, Germany,
Teachers College, Columbia University
Major: Art and Art Education
Degree: Doctor of Education in the College Teaching of Art , 2018
Dissertation: “The Natural Power of Intuition: Exploring the Experience of Intuition in the Practice of three Visual Artists and three Business Executives”
Research interests: intuitive processes in art practice, art and technology, hybrid media forms, identity constructions, integrated experiential learning, art-based research, media education pedagogies
The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in partnership with Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA
Major: Studio Art, with a focus on Video, Photography and Performance Art
Degree: Masters of Fine Arts, 2009
University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany
Major: Visual Communication, with a focus on New Media Art
Degree: Diploma Designer, 2006
Cim Data College of Multimedia, Berlin, Germany
Major: Screen Design
Degree: Multimedia Expert Certificate, 1999
Elements of a Composite Entity, Myers Media Art Studio, New York, NY, 2018
September Primer, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2017
A Group Thing, Thomas Young Gallery, Boston, USA, 2016
Experiences of (Dis)Connection, Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, 2016
Oblique Rain, Galeria Spatium, Lincoln, USA and Carris Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal 2015
Studio Works, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, US, 2015
Satellite, Khaki Gallery, Boston, USA, 2014
Studio Works, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2014
Spectrum featured by Fourm, Freecandy, Brooklyn, New York, USA 2013
September Primer, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA 2013
Studio Work, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA 2013
CoWorkers Project, Art Series at Subtwine, New York, USA 2013
Advanced Studio, Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA 2012
QueerMe: 2011 Art & Gender Politics NYC, The Center, New York, USA 2011
In Between, Penelec-Megahan-Bowman Art Galleries, Allegheny College, Meadville, USA 2010
We Must Indeed All Hang Together, Sullivan Galleries, SAIC, Chicago, USA 2009
Boston Young Contemporaries, Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, USA2009
This Is Not Happening, Mills Gallery, BCA, Boston, USA 2009
The Human Animal Project, Trustman Gallery, Simmons College, Boston, USA 2008
Female Film Artists, shorts curated for conversation, Brattle Theater, Boston, USA 2008
After the Orgie: A Tribute to Carolee Schneemann, Studio Soto, Boston, MA, USA 2007
November, Laconia Gallery, Boston, MA, USA 2007
Mediating the Mediated Gaze, Museum of Fine Art, Boston, MA, USA 2007
The Technology Show, SMFA, Boston, MA, USA 2007
Hijacking the Future, Donnelly Gallery, SMFA, Boston, MA, USA 2007
Mash up!, Doran Graduate Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA, USA 2007
Zip&Collages, SMFA, Boston, MA, USA 2006
Pretty SMFA, Donnelly Gallery, SMFA, Boston, MA, USA 2006
Long Museums Night, Museum of Communication, Berlin, Germany 2006
10 Feet Long, Frame Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2005
3 Media, part of the Making the Living, Living a Dream Conference, UC Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2005
Ngierof, Frame Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2004
Live Video Mystery Theatre, the Eye, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2004
Disappearance, Opel Exhibition House, Berlin, Germany 2004
Art & Film Festivals
Berlin's Unknown Filmmakers, the Hole, Berlin, Germany, 2016
OpenArt! 10th International Performance Festival, Beijing, China 2009
Pärnu International Film & Video Festival, Estonia 2008
TLV Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel 2008
Free Fall Festival, Squealing Pig, Boston, USA 2008
MIX Film & Video Festival, New York, NY, USA 2007
New York Underground Film Festival, New York, NY, USA 2007
Viper Basel - International Festival for Film Video & New Media, Basel, Switzerland 2006
Exground Film Festival, Wiesbaden, Germany 2005
Mediatonic II Festival, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2005
Mediawave International Art Festival, Gyoer, Hungary 2005
Nacht der Tausend Traurigkeiten Film Festival, Berlin & Zürich, Germany & Switzerland 2004
Kassler Documentary Film Festival, Kassel, Germany 2004
Jagtiani, J. (2021). What is Queer? Tarka - On Queer Dharma, 5(1), 21–28.
Jagtiani, J. (2021). What is Psychopomp? Tarka - On Death, 4(1), 39–43.
Jagtiani, J. (2020). What is Ecology? Tarka - On Ecology, 3(1), 16–21.
Jagtiani, J. (2020). What is Virtual Reality? Tarka - On Illusion, 2(1), 22–26.
Jagtiani, J. (2019). Establishing Intuitive Faculties: Receptivity, Awareness, and Interpretation. In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Developing Informed Intuition for Decision-Making (pp. 47–67). Taylor & Francis.
Jagtiani, J. (2018). The Natural Power of Intuition: Exploring the Formative Dimensions of Intuition in the Practices of Three Visual Artists and Three Business Executives (Order No. 10812302). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2047520466). Retrieved from
Jagtiani, J. (2017). Art Critique: Torture or Nurture? In Art School Critique 2.0 - Teachers College, Columbia University Symposium Proceedings Nov 18-19 | 2016 (pp. 64–68). Annandale, New Jersey: Ragged Sky Press.
Jagtiani, J. (2016). Memories of Art Education in West Germany before and after 1945: My Mother’s Experience. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 5(2), 189–198.
Conference Presentations
Jagtiani, J. (2019). Recalling Natural Powers: Exploring Dimensions of Intuition in SArt Practice. Presented at The National Art Education Association National Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
Jagtiani, J. and Ko, Sohee (2017). Rise of Art – A Collaborative Art-Making Experience that Explores Opportunities of Merging New Media Forms with Traditional Techniques in our Present-Day Studio and Teaching Practice. Presented at The College Art Association Conference, New York, New York.
Jagtiani, J. and Vandermaas, Caitlyn (2017). A Teacher and Student Account: What Happens When Adding a Distance-Learner to a Face-to-Face Studio Art Education Class?. Presented at The National Art Education Association National Convention, New York, New York.
Jagtiani, J. and Ko, Sohee (2017). Rise of Art – A Collaborative Art-Making Experience that Explores Opportunities of Merging New Media Forms with Traditional Techniques in our Present-Day Studio and Teaching Practice. Presented at The National Art Education Association National Convention, New York, New York.
Jagtiani, J. (2016). Art Critique – Torture or Nurture?. Presented at Art School Critique 2.0 Symposium, Teachers College Columbia University, New York, New York.
Jagtiani, J. (2015). Memories of art education in West Germany before and after 1945: My mother’s experience. Presented at The History of Art Education Conference, Teachers College Columbia University, New York, New York.
Jagtiani, J. (2015). Intuition as an Aspect of Knowledge-Making. Presented at The Graduate Research in Art Education Conference, Columbus, Ohio
Jagtiani, J. (2016, February 18). Schools Get Creative With Technology. Retrieved from
Jagtiani, J., & Koo, S. (2016, February 17). Interview with Jesse Jagtiani and Sohee Koo: Macy Gallery Exhibition. Retrieved from
Jagtiani, J. (2010). InBetween: (re)negotiating ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Retrieved from
Invited Talks / Respondent
2016 - President Forum, Respondent. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
2015 - Creative Technologies Symposium, Respondent. Teachers College, New York, NY
2010 - New Media Art – The Digital Era. Lecturer. Chester College, Chester, MA
2009 - Art and Technology. Lecturer. The Art Institute (AIB), Lesley College, Boston, MA
Studio Art Instructor at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
“Video Art”
“Video for Educators”
"Studio Work: Digital Media"
"Introduction to Digital Photography"
"Advanced Photography"
Substitute Art Instructor for the Prozdor Program at Hebrew College, Newton, MA
Adjunct Professor at the New England Institute of Art, Boston, MA
Principles of Photography”
Digital Photography
Post Production
Post Graduate Teaching Fellow, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Live-Video Performance - Power Dynamics in the Contemporary
Graduate Teaching Fellow, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Video Art I
Beginning Digital Photography